Production & shipping of automotive tyre tubes in Japan, continuous slump in both production and shipping from January to June

According to the actual result of production, shipping and stock of automotive tyre tubes from January to June 2016 summarised by Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association (JATMA), total production amount was 500,481 tons (6.6% decrease), domestic shipping was 242,891 tons (5.5% decrease) and export shipping was 256,504 tons (7.7% decrease) (All in the comparison with the same term of the previous year).

Although production amount of automobiles increased by 1.2% in March 2016 for the first time after 4 months in comparison with the same month of the previous year, it was a decrease by 3.7% from January to March 2016, and the amount of commercial tyres was an increase by 0.7%. But the fact that sales amount of tyres for new automobiles decreased by 2.9% from January to March affected on the production amount of automotive tyre tubes, and it was lower than the result of the same month in the previous year.

Production amount of automobiles after April 2016 repeated ups and downs; April was a decrease, May was an increase, then June was a decrease, but the result from April to June was 3.0% decrease. The result from January to June 2016 was 3.4% decrease (all in the same comparison with the same term of the previous year), and this was lower than the result of the previous year for 2 terms in a row as the first half of the year. Production of automotive tyre tubes did not improve because the demand circumstances has not recovered, for instance the production amount of construction machines have still continued to be lower than the results of previous years.

Production amount of each type was, for trucks and buses was 109,412 tons (11.5% decrease), for small trucks was 63,258 tons (9.9% decrease), for passenger vehicles was 241,045 tons (4.4% decrease), for construction vehicles was 77,732 tons (4.0% decrease), for industrial vehicles was 2,910 tons (7.3% increase) and others (for agricultural machinery, for motorcycles, for transport vehicles, flaps and rim bands) was 6,124 tons (1.5% decrease) (all in the same comparison with the same term of the previous year). They all decreased except for industrial vehicles.

In June 2016 alone, production amount was 88,466 tons (5.4% decrease), domestic shipping was 41,603 tons (2.5% decrease) and import shipping was 46,505 tons (10.3% decrease). This was a decrease for 19 months in a row.

By type, production amount for passenger vehicles was 42,476 tons (5.2% decrease), for trucks and buses was 20,009 tons (3.5% decrease), for small trucks was 11,189 tons (5.0% decrease) and for construction vehicles was 13,306 tons (9.0% decrease) (all in the same comparison with the same month of the previous year).

Issue Date: 2016-9-28

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